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Welcome to the Alberta Innovates Portal

Alberta Innovates delivers 21st-century solutions for the most compelling challenges facing Albertans. We work closely with government, industry, academia and others to support and accelerate innovation from the generation of ideas, through applied testing and validation, to commercialization or end use, across all of Alberta’s key sectors. We enable researchers, entrepreneurs and industry to test and grow their ideas, products and businesses in lasting ways to positively impact the province’s economy, the environment and the quality of life for all Albertans.

Our new Portal enables you to seamlessly manage and view all of your funding-related interactions with us, from creating and submitting your application, to reports on results easily and efficiently, and everything in between.

We recommend browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge for the best experience. Internet Explorer is not supported.

If you require assistance with the Registration Process, we have produced a number of Registration Information Videos that may assist you.